
Full stack Web Developer

Basic to Expert level

Everything you need to know to become a professional web developer from scratch, updated for modern development.
  •  Very structured video lessons


  • Introduction to Web Development
  • All about HTML
  • All about HTML5
  • CSS Basics
  • CSS Intermediate
  • Intoduction to Font Awesome
  • Bootsstrap Level 1
  • Bootsstrap Level 2
  • Introduction to web design
  • Javascript Level 1
  • Javascript Level 2
  • JQuery , Ajax and JSon
  • The Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Advanced Javascript and DOM Manipulation
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • APIs – Application Programming Interfaces
  • Version Control and GitHub
  • Introduction to Web Servers
  • Configuring Apache web server
  • Configuring IIS web server
  • Databases
  • Difference between SQL and noSQL Databases
  • SQL
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Authentication and Security

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